Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Veterans Day at School

I called my aunt tonight because I was feeling a little nostalgic. My aunt is great for walking me through that. I told her about our school's veterans day activities and she was amazed. For as long as I can remember my school has annually honored veterans in our classes and/or assemblies. It's just something we do, like saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. It wasn't until I heard the surprise in my aunt's voice that it dawned on me that maybe our activities aren't necessarily the norm.
Veterans Assembly 2014

Our Veterans Day activities first began in the late 1990s. One of our social studies teachers created an assembly for the kids and had them invite their veteran relatives to be honored during our assembly. The next year we continued until it just became part of what we do. Sometimes we have assemblies and sometimes we do something different, but we always take a day to honor veterans.
Veterans Wall 2012

This year all the teachers taught from various lesson plans provided and chose what they wanted to teach. I taught my 7th graders about the history of the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful and we listened to the songs with lyrics. And we compared the two songs. Then the students heard from 3 different veterans about their experiences. And what was really amazing is that we had veterans from World War II.

I know our Veterans Day activities don't just reach the students. Every year I'm reminded about my relatives that have served and gain renewed gratitude for their service and all the men and women who have sacrificed for our country.

Sometimes, I think we need to share the times that touch us. And since every single student in my 4th hour class made a thank you card to the veterans who visited us, I think they also felt the true meaning of Veterans Day.

So what do you do to show honor and respect on Veterans Day?